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По материалам:

Европейский Финансовый семинар

Procter&Gamble - крупнейший международный производитель товаров народного потребления - предлагает студентам и аспирантам принять участие в Европейском Финансовом Семинаре, проходящем в Женеве с 24 по 29 апреля 2005 года. Заявки принимаются до 14 февраля 2005 года.

Procter&Gamble invites last-year students and undergraduates to take part at European Financial Seminar in Geneva!


The seminar is open to top students from all over Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Do you want to manage an international business for one week and develop your management and financial skills? Are you an excellent student who combines leadership skills with strong analytical capabilities? Are you fluent in English? And do you expect to graduate in 2005 or 2006? Then we are looking for YOU!!


The EFS is a one-week working session that was established in 1990. The 15th edition of the annual seminar will be held from Sunday, April 24th until Friday, April 29th 2005 at the P&G European Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Travel and accommodation expenses for all participants will be paid by P&G.

During this week, you and excellent students will run a multinational business, developing your management and financial skills by working in teams and interact with experienced P&G executives. The EFS is an opportunity for you to learn within P&G. It is not an assessment center.

The EFS will expose you to a real life business case study, which challenges you to develop strategies and drive decisions together with top students from all over Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

The European Financial Seminar will give you the opportunity to

  • Develop your management and financial skills.
  • Test yourself in an international business environment.
  • Interact with your fellow students and experienced P&G executives to solve the types of business challenges and management issues you would face when working in an international organization like Procter & Gamble.

    We don't communicate many details about the content upfront, as part of the challenge is to cope with the many surprises that you will encounter during the seminar. So, don't miss this unforgettable experience!
    • Course Dates: April 24-29, 2005
    • Course Location: Geneva, Switzerland.
    • Application Deadline: February 4, 2005.
    • Important: free of charge for students
    • More information: www.joinPG.com

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